Professional Courses

We provide a wide range of professional courses to get your dream career.

Teach you how to understand your role

Understand your Role

It's important that whatever career path you choose, you have a good grasp of your role. Our curriculum involves understanding your role and how you can better equip yourself with any task.

Taking care of elderly training

Duty of Care

Through our guidance, you will learn how to properly take care of people, from child care to adult care. We teach a variety of methods and techniques that our students can implement in their work to ensure quality care.

Nurse wearing face mask

Health & Safety

Our professional instructors are trained in teaching students about proper health and safety practices. They will be guided individually and as a group to maximize their understanding of properly administering healthcare.

Personal safety training

Personal Safety

We offer training on personal safety protocols and techniques to better avoid and protect yourself from harmful situations. The training you will experience will be useful during emergencies or daily activities, especially when working in hazardous environments.

Professional and expert instructor


Our professional instructors will train you on communication theories and techniques on how you can better express yourself and persuade others. This course will train you on verbal and non-verbal cues and techniques to clarify your intentions.

Handling important data/information

Handling Information

With M&N Centre, you will be taught how to properly collect, store, and manage data. Our instructors will guide you step by step on how to properly handle work and business-related activities.

One on one teaching

Work in a Person-Centered Way

A culture that focuses on people is at the heart of all prospering businesses. In this course, we will discuss how you can start building your career centered on personal and communal well-being and cooperation.

teaching equally whatever culture

Equality and Diversity

Part of the courses that we offer at M&N Centre is on equality and diversity. Our instructors teach management how to create work cultures and environments that encourage equality and diversity.

Teaching how to handle private information

Privacy and Dignity

We offer classes on the ethical principles of privacy and dignity. In the digital age, many businesses failed due to not implementing data privacy and security measures for the personal information they gathered. We will discuss all this under this course.

Teaching how to handle own body and nutrition as well as others

Fluids and Nutrition

We offer classes discussing nutrition and fluids that healthcare practitioners and nutritionists need to learn about. We ensure that all our students are trained to evaluate and provide proper dietary plans to their patients.