Our Services
We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction.
IQA Qualifications
This qualification is designed for candidates who assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding in environments other than the workplace (such as workshops, classrooms or other training environments).
Assessment Qualification
M&N will assess your qualifications as part of the standard application assessment process. You can have your qualifications assessed before you apply through M&N’s Qualifications
Train the Trainer
Don’t waste your employees’ time and your organization’s money with ineffective programs and seminars. Training is an investment in your people.
Children & Young People
Ask for advice about what to do next to help your child. If you or your child needs more significant support, contact M&N for assessment.
Risk Management
Our risk management process involves setting institutional priorities and making key decisions in regards to what is sometimes called the institution's "appetite for risk".